In September 2022, Blizzard launched classic Wrath of the Lich King. This is a real feast for fans of death knights, icy expanses and just lovers of the main villain Arthas. Many players consider this add-on to be the best in the history wotlk boosting game. Warcraft III.
If you played the previous expansion, then your character will be level 70. With the release of the patch , players will need to upgrade only ten levels to 80 in order to unlock access to high lvl content. This includes heroic dungeons and rare loot raids. But if you are just starting your journey through the cold plains of Northrend, you will have to download the hero from level 1.
You can develop your character on your own and slowly, but it is much more profitable to give it into the hands of a booster. You will have to pay for this, but in 2-3 days you will receive the maximum level, loot and gold received from mobs. Order wotlk boost is available on the Internet. A bunch of sites offer paid services for World of Warcraft.
How to quickly equip a character in WOTLK
In classic World of Warcraft , there are several ways to dress a character. It doesn’t have to be max level. Some paths are open during the leveling phase of the hero, but the equipment level is scaled according to the characteristics, so they do not provide much advantages.
Ways to dress your character:
- Do quests faction The Sons of Hodir and buy items from them with honor points.
- Icecrown reputation Farm Citadel and dress according to class.
- Kill bosses in a group and loot BOE- things that can also be sold at auction.
- Participate on the battlefields with other players, buy PVPitems for honor points.
- Go to normal dungeons with a group of 5 people, kill bosses and get things.
- Gather or ask for a raid dungeon of 10 or 25 people.
Players have no difficulty in dressing the character. Everything rests only on the time for which the hero will dress. If you play for fun and don’t rush to the final content, then you can to level 80 and get good equipment within a few weeks. But if you’re aiming specifically at Competitive, Guild Raids, and Heroic Dungeons, then the character needs to be prepared quickly. Here you can rely on various articles on character dressing from anonymous authors or trust a professional booster who knows convenient routes for pumping.
Security wotlk boosting
Paid boosting in World of Warcraft has not aroused suspicion among the gaming community for a long time. There are entire commercial guilds involved in leveling a character for gold and real money. There are sites and services on the Internet that offer their services in multiplayer games.
Having chosen a booster as an assistant, you should not worry about the security of your account.Studio Blizzard has developed factor authentication, no one can steal someone else’s account. Binding is carried out to e-mail, phone number and a special application on the phone.
As for the quality of service, all boosters receive money for the work done. If the client is not satisfied with the result, he can file a complaint. In this case, if the fault of the booster is really proven, the client receives compensation. In the end, everyone wins with their money.

James is a great tech-geek and loves to write about different upcoming tech at TechyZip. From Android to Windows, James loves to share his experienced knowledge about everything here.
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