For a smooth banking experience, it is very important to keep a check on your banking activities. Regular monitoring of your balance gives you insight into your current financial situation, helping you make decisions about spending, saving, and budgeting. Regularly reviewing your transactions allows you to detect any unauthorised or suspicious activity promptly, safeguarding your accounts from potential fraud. It also helps you avoid insufficient funds for essential payments, and positively impacts your credit score by ensuring timely payments. If you are using an RBL credit card, it is advisable to make all the payments timely to avoid paying penalty fees.
To check the summary of the transactions on your account—your payments, credits, purchases, balance transfers, cash advances, fees, interest charges, and amounts past due, you have to get an RBL bank credit card statement. If you just want to check the amount you need to pay, then, it will be included in an RBL bank statement. If you want to have a quick check on the last few transactions, a mini statement would be handy. Most of the banks provide their specific numbers which we can dial up and get a mini statement in the form of an SMS. For example, if you want to check your Bank of Baroda transaction history, you can call up the BOB mini statement number and you will get the details of the last 5 transactions.
How to get an RBL bank statement?
If your email ID is registered with RBL bank, you can give a request for an e-statement to your account. Provide some details too like your name, account number, mobile number, frequency of the statement and the format of the statement and submit the request to the concerned official in the bank. The request you sent will be registered and the bank will send the e-statements of your account to your email address regularly. The PDF of the bank statement will be password protected which means you have to enter a password to open the file. This password will be in the email sent by the bank along with the statement file. There are some other options to download a bank statement such as through Internet banking and mobile banking.
RBL bank statement through Internet banking
We can get an RBL bank statement through the Internet banking portal or mobile banking portal. Follow these steps to download it.
1. Go to the official website of RBL bank and log into your account using your user ID and Password.
2. Click on the “account” section and under that section you will find the option for statement. Click on it.
3. If you have more than one account, you have to select the specific account for which you want to download the statement.
4. Select the time frame for which you want to download the statement. You can select from the given format or you can customise the date ranges.
5. Then, click on the option “Download Statement”.
6. Select the file format in which you want to download the statement: PDF, Excel, etc.
7. Then, click “confirm”.
8. After it is downloaded, you can access the statement file on your device.
Registration for Internet banking service
To have access to the Internet banking portal, you have to register yourself for it.
- Open the browser on your device and go to the official website of RBL bank.
- Go to the option for registration under the ‘Online Banking’ or ‘Login’ section.
- Enter some details like account number, card details, personal information, and you will receive an OTP (OneTime Password) to your registered mobile number for verification.
- Then, set up a user ID and password. The password should be strong, it will be a combination of alphabets, numbers, and special characters.
- After registration, you can use these newly created credentials to log into your account.
- Sometimes, you will have to set a security question and its answer to enable two-factor authentication or link a registered device for extra security. You can set something you can easily remember lest you forget it later. This two-factor authentication will add extra security to your account and help you from unauthorised login and fraudulent activities.
RBL bank statement through mobile banking
- You can download one of the RBL mobile banking apps: “RBL moBank” or “RBL MyCard”.
- Install and set it up by linking your bank account with the app. Then, open the app and go to the account section.
- Search for the statement option and tap on it.
- Enter the duration of the statement you wish to download.
- Then, you will get your RBL bank statement on your device. If you want to just check the details of the last few transactions, you can also download a mini statement which is like a shorter version of a bank statement.
RBL mini statement through phone call
To access your mini statement without visiting the bank, you can just call the RBL mini statement.
- First, your mobile number should be registered with the bank. You can see the guidelines given in this article.
- Dial the RBL Bank mini statement number 91 2261156300.
- Allow the phone to ring for some seconds and it will get disconnected automatically.
- Shortly after the call is disconnected, the bank will send you a text containing the last 5 transactions and the current balance in your account.
Mobile number registration
• You can register your mobile number online by visiting the official website of RBL bank.
• On the profile section, there will be an option for “update mobile number”. Select that.
• Then, enter the mobile number you wish to register. Enter other required details such as your account number, name, address, etc.
• Shortly after that, your mobile number will be registered with the RBL bank.
• If you want to do it offline, you have to visit a nearby RBL bank branch.
• Ask for a mobile number registration form from the bank staff.
• Fill up your personal details, account details and the mobile number you wish to register.
• Submit it along with the identity proof documents. Your Aadhaar card/driving licence/any other government-issued identity card will serve as your identity proof document.
After you have registered your mobile number with RBL Bank, you can get the mini statement by RBL SMS Banking:
- Compose an SMS writing, “TXN<Customer ID><Complete Account Number>” and send it to 9223366333.
- Shortly after the SMS is sent, you will receive a reply text from the bank containing the last 5 transaction history.
RBL bank mini statement through ATM
You can also get a mini statement through an ATM. This will consume a little more time than the options provided above as you need to go to an ATM.
- Go to a nearby ATM and insert your debit card into the card slot.
- Then, enter the PIN code of your debit card. It is advisable not to disclose this PIN code to anyone to prevent scams and misuse of your card.
- There will be some options displayed on the screen options on the screen. Select “mini statement”.
- Then, you can get your mini-statement containing the last 5 transactions printed on a small sheet of paper.

James is a great tech-geek and loves to write about different upcoming tech at TechyZip. From Android to Windows, James loves to share his experienced knowledge about everything here.
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