How much does a Plumber make in the United Arab Emirates?
A Plumber in Dubai normally earns roughly 7,060 AED per month. Salaries range from 3,320 AED (the lowest) to 11,100 AED (the highest) (highest).
This is the average monthly payment, which includes housing, transportation, and other perks. Plumber salaries vary greatly depending on experience, skills, gender, and area. Below is a detailed breakdown based on a variety of parameters.
Plumber Salary Distribution in Dubai
The median, maximum, minimum, and range are all values.
Salary Scale
Plumber salaries in Dubai range from 3,320 AED per month (minimum wage) to 11,100 AED per month (highest compensation) (maximum salary). Get service from a plumber near me.
Median Salary
The median monthly pay is 7,480 AED, which implies that half (50%) of Plumber(s) earn less than this amount, while the other half earn more. The median salary value is the midpoint compensation figure. In general, you want to be on the right side of the graph, in the group that earns more than the median pay.
Two values are closely related to the median: the 25th and 75th percentiles. According to the wage distribution map, 25 per cent of Plumber(s) earn less than 4,860 AED, while 75 per cent earn more than 4,860 AED. According to the diagram, 75 per cent of Plumber(s) make less than 9,870 AED, while 25 per cent earn more than 9,870 AED.
Salary Comparison for Plumbers Based on Years of Experience
How do your age and experience affect your pay?
The most essential aspect in determining remuneration is the amount of experience. Naturally, the more years of experience you have, the greater your salary. This is what we discovered after breaking down Plumber pay by experience level.
A Plumber with less than two years of experience can expect to earn around 3,830 AED per month.
Someone with two to five years of experience is projected to earn 5,270 AED per month, which is 38% higher than someone with less than two years of experience.
Moving forward, someone with five to ten years of experience earns 7,510 AED per month, which is 42 per cent more than someone with two to five years of experience.
Furthermore, plumbers with ten to fifteen years of experience earn 9,150 AED a month, which is 22 per cent more than someone with five to ten years of experience.
If you have between fifteen and twenty years of experience, you can expect to earn $9,660 AED a month, which is 6% higher than someone with ten to fifteen years of experience.
Finally, individuals with more than twenty years of professional experience earn 10,500 AED per month, which is 9% higher than those with fifteen to twenty years of experience.
How much are annual salary increments in Dubai for Plumber(s)? How frequently do employees receive salary increases?
Plumber(s) in the United Arab Emirates can expect a salary increase of about 8% every 18 months. The national average annual raise for all professions combined is 8%, which is given to employees every 17 months.
The data provided here are average values of numbers. These values should only be used as a guideline. Salary increases vary from person to person and are determined by a variety of circumstances, but your performance and contribution to the organisational progress remain the most essential elements in determining how much and how frequently you will be granted a raise.
Average Hourly Wage of a Plumber in Dubai
In Dubai, the average hourly rate (pay per hour) is 41 AED. This means that the average Plumber in Dubai makes around 41 AED for every hour worked.
Annual Salary Equals Hourly Wage ( 52 x 5 x 8 )
The hourly pay is the salary earned in one hour of employment. Jobs are typically divided into two categories: salaried employment and hourly jobs. Salaried employment pays the same amount regardless of the number of hours performed. Hourly jobs pay by the hour. The above formula is used to convert salary to hourly wage (assuming 5 working days in a week and 8 working hours per day which is the standard for most jobs). The hourly wage computation may vary slightly depending on the number of hours worked per week and the annual vacation allowance. The figures given above are excellent approximations and are considered the norm. Overtime eligibility is a significant distinction between salaried and hourly employees. In contrast to hourly employees, salaried personnel are frequently exempt from overtime.

James is a great tech-geek and loves to write about different upcoming tech at TechyZip. From Android to Windows, James loves to share his experienced knowledge about everything here.
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