Healthcare systems worldwide have benefited greatly by accepting rapid advancements in technology and digital infrastructure, especially the Indian healthcare system, which has changed a lot over the years. In 2015, the government of India started a “Digital India” campaign to create a country where everyone has access to education, information, healthcare, and government services. One of its goals was to make the healthcare system more unified and easily accessible to everyone in the country.
Sinc initiative, the government has made a lot of progress toward its goal and digitised various sectors of the healthcare system. Let’s take a detailed look at what these changes entail and how they work.
India’s healthcare system had a lot of problems because it needed a stable digital ecosystem. This led to lost patient data, wrong diagnoses, and a waste of time and money. The goal of the national digital health mission is to build a digital health ecosystem spanning the country that supports universal health care in an effective, affordable, timely, easy to use and safe way. It makes it more important to have electronic medical records, electronic health records, and personal health records, as well as other technologies that can record and store them. Technologies such as a digital health card can be used to store these records. Check out hospice in los angeles.
What Is A Digital Health Card?
A digital health card is a health card ID online which is unique to every individual and stores their respective records. It is an easy to create and highly useful tool that is extremely significant in the digital health mission. Let’s take a look at EHR, PHR and EMR as well.
What Are Emr, Ehr And Phr?
Electronic Medical Records, often known as EMRs, are a type of health information technology that enables medical professionals to retain detailed records of all diagnoses and treatments administered to their patients. Electronic medical records (EMRs) contain digitised copies of paper medical charts that capture a patient’s health history.
These solutions, which are often transactional, are utilised to record a patient’s medical history, diagnosis, prescriptions, vaccination dates, and other information pertaining to the care that they are receiving at the present time. These types of technology are used by government programmes as well as healthcare providers for more effective patient handling and management.
Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a collection of data about a patient that is stored electronically. Because of improvements in screening, medical imaging, and diagnostics, a lot of information about patient health has been made, and the use of electronic health record systems provides effective and quick care for patients. In healthcare today, the role of EHR is growing as more patient data is digitised and more people want to access their health records on their phones. The structure and features of an EHR are extremely reliable, and by using EHR, you can easily send information about a patient from one doctor to the other who is helping to treat that patient.
Also, they make sure that no information is lost if a patient moves and needs to find a new primary care doctor. The EHR system is designed in a way which is majorly focused on the patients and their well being. They are useful in a number of ways, such as ensuring a better quality of service and making healthcare accessible and quick.
A PHR means in health card, personal health records, which is an electronic application that gives users the ability to store and manage their own health information as well as the information of other people whose records they are authorised to handle in an environment that is safe, secure, and confidential.
Even though the contents of a personal health record (PHR) might vary from person to person and from system to system, a typical record can includes information such as the details of their visits to the doctors, what allergies they have, their vaccination history, their preexisting health conditions, records of any previously conducted surgeries or treatments and its subsequent data.
These three technologies have different uses and benefits depending on the situation. Their storage methods and the type of data stored on these cards are significantly different from each other.
The use and value of these technologies are predicted to grow tenfold in the coming years and will make healthcare more accessible, affordable and efficient. It will ensure quick patient treatment and allow the patients to remain stress-free about their data.

James is a great tech-geek and loves to write about different upcoming tech at TechyZip. From Android to Windows, James loves to share his experienced knowledge about everything here.
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