Students who never prepare notes can never understand the importance of notes for revision. Having notes can cut down your efforts in half. You don’t have to scroll through your textbooks, topics, and online resources because you have all the important information compiled in the form of notes. Study notes are the refined information that you collect throughout the session. It is an efficient summary of everything you learn in your classroom, coaching, or during self-study. Everything that comes in sight is not worth putting in your final notes. Therefore, note-taking is a skill that utilizes your grasping ability to save the best out of the content.
In this article, we will discuss the importance of having notes for preparation. We will also include the benefits of writing notes.
Let’s get started.
Helps in Quick Revision
The main purpose of preparing notes is for revision. You want to have study material that is customized according to you. You can go through a single notebook and revise the whole syllabus in one go. It saves you from the trouble of going through all the content at your exposure.
If you make your own notes, you have most of it already in your head. All you need is a quick revision. Even if you don’t write your own notes, many websites offer extensively prepared revision notes. You can use them to have a quick revision of all the chapters in your curriculum.
Not only the length of content is reduced but also visual data like charts, graphs are introduced for quick learning. Your brain can grasp the information much quicker if the information is split into small visual cues.
Notes are Everything you Need
Study notes are significantly shorter as they separate the focus points from the pile of content. Reducing content doesn’t mean that you will lose information. The skill of notes writing is all about finding the right information and convert it into understandable fragments. Perfectly created notes are so precise that you can revise the whole topic just by using a single sentence.
You must have experienced that a large paragraph is harder to comprehend as compared to the points of equivalent length. Sometimes, notes are even smaller than points. They are phrases as you don’t need to remember all the articles, pronouns, and commas in the sentence. The information is complete even without them. All you have to do is learn and write it in your own words.
Improves Memory
This point doesn’t require any more explanation. Everything we study needs multiple revisions before shifting it into long-term memory. Notes ensure that you go through the content repeatedly. Your brain is most attentive while you prepare notes. Even if you don’t prepare them during class, notes can encourage you to revise the topics.
If your whole syllabus is spread across the table, what will you choose, the intimidating study material or that one revision notebook?
If you have the habit of preparing notes regularly, you are already at an advantage. While everybody is starting from scratch, your brain is already having a faint idea of all the topics that you studied in today’s class. One quick revision after getting home can give you a good score even on a surprise test.
Deep Understanding of The Topics
If you cram the concepts without bothering to understand the topic, you will be stuck on conceptual-based questions. Notes are never meant for mugging up the content. Even while preparing the notes, make sure that you are not targeting the final answer. You should focus on the process and make it understandable for you.
Every time you practice, you are diving deeper into the main concept. Notes make the information more accessible for practice and revision. When you have all the content in one place, you are more likely to go through it regularly.
Realign your Focus
Our brain cannot synthesize information with the same efficiency for a longer duration. We need short breaks to maintain focus. While taking notes, our hands and brain work in synchronization. Your hands are writing and your brain is trying to imagine and comprehend the information at the same time. If you take notes regularly, you can train your mind to sort out the relevant information simultaneously.
It takes a lot of energy but it prevents you from spacing out. There are times when you read a page but get nothing out of it. In the case of writing, it is extremely hard to lose focus. Not only during class, but this habit of taking notes will also benefit you in the long run.
Those who take notes regularly, gradually increase the attention span of their brain. They keep pushing the limits and after some time, their brain gets used to it. Even during exams, it is normal to space out but someone with the habit of taking notes can keep going for more than 3 hours with the same efficiency.
Sharpens Brain
As we discussed above, our brain can benefit a lot from this skill. Even if you are just studying from notes, it can be a great exercise for your brain. Notes are short and precise but you can’t use them as an answer in your exam. You need to mould the answer according to the question. Using phrases is unacceptable.
Every time you use that short information to write long answers and add all the required information instantly, your brain is evolving. You will learn more quickly as your brain will try to ignore all the irrelevant stuff and memorize the solid information.
It will also help you write better notes as you will automatically discard the unwanted information.
The skill of notes writing is not only for the studious ones, it gives you the bliss of living an organized life. Preparing, sorting, and finalizing notes will somehow add up to your personality. Even in the corporate world, where notes are not even required, you will unknowingly keep sticky notes, list, or records as it is instilled in your brain. You might forget the notes after a couple of years but you will always remember the satisfaction of leading a disciplined life.
Addsion Is a Blogger and an SEO professional. Co-founder of, I have 2 years of experience in SEO & 1 year of Successful blogging @ I have a passion for SEO & Blogging, Affiliate marketer & also interested to invest on profitable stocks.
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