Based on the latest reports, nearly 60 million people have taken to vaping. That figure has surged significantly over the years and is expected to grow even more moving forward. Though some people choose vape juices that contain nicotine or vape for the different flavors alone, many choose this as a delivery method for CBD. Vaping is one of the most efficient ways to consume CBD as it generates faster, more noticeable results.
Of course, the vaping market has branched out over time, making finding the right device somewhat difficult. If you’re interested in vaping or trying a different device than the one, you’re currently using, you can visit the official website of a supplier to learn more about what’s available. For now, though, take a look at the following brief overview of the various options at your disposal.
Conventional Vape Pens
Conventional vape pens resemble traditional cigarettes more closely than other devices. Obviously, they’re a bit larger and heavier than the norm, but they’re designed to mimic cigarettes. That’s one of the reasons they’re popular among former smokers and people who want to stop smoking cigarettes. They have batteries, tanks for e-liquid, and other components. When using them, users draw from their mouthpieces. That vaporizes the e-liquid to produce a cloud of water vapor and deliver the CBD into your system.
These vaping devices need to be dismantled and cleaned on a regular basis. Otherwise, byproducts from vape juices and the vaporization process will build up in them. That can cause clogs and result in an unpleasant taste when vaping. Some people feel the cleaning process is more trouble than it’s worth, but the benefits they reap from vaping CBD tend to make up for the hassles.
Box Vapes
Box vapes work in much the same way as conventional vape pens, but they’re much bulkier. Some of them offer more features than their smaller counterparts, such as longer-lasting batteries and customizable wattage settings. Some even have extra accessories that are interchangeable.
Many people choose box vapes for DTL, or direct-to-lung, vaping. With this method, people inhale the substances coming from the vape device directly into their lungs as opposed to drawing them into their mouths before inhaling them into their lungs. As is the case with vape pens, these devices need to be taken apart and cleaned periodically.
Pod Mods
Pod mods are a bit different than other options. They’re generally a bit smaller and easier to hold than box vapes. Instead of being equipped with refillable tanks, they use cartridges that are pre-filled with vape juice. Once the cartridges are empty, you simply throw them away and replace them with new ones. While the cost of replacement cartridges can add up, this type of vape device is much simpler to use than other options.
Choosing a Vape Device
People have different preferences when it comes to vaping devices. Many newcomers prefer vape pens or pod mods. Experienced vapers often choose box vapes because of their additional features and versatility. Consider the options at your disposal to determine which one best suit your needs and expectations. Keep in mind that all of them are effective methods for CBD delivery.

James is a great tech-geek and loves to write about different upcoming tech at TechyZip. From Android to Windows, James loves to share his experienced knowledge about everything here.
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