In the old times, the tricksters had their special tools to execute their tasks. This tradition is still alive because this community is still using some tools to tease the public. The only difference is that now these tools are more enhanced and technologically developed. The damage caused by these tools is also catastrophic. If we only consider the field of cybercrimes, then we will be shocked to see the number of tools and programs developed only to harm others. The programs or the softwares that are developed with the sole intent of bringing harm to their users are coined as malwares.
How Does Malware Functions
These malwares do not function openly in fact, their processing takes place hidden from the eyes of the users. They infect the computer by infecting the data, corrupting the data, completely shutting down the system, rebooting the system by losing all the temporary files, and sometimes there is a ransom call too from the source of the malware. All these processes are intended to harm the users and the reason being the satisfaction or the monetary benefit of the malware source. Since there are different types of malwares and each of them has different specifications so their functioning is also different from each other.
What Are The Different Types Of The Malwares
The malware is not a program in fact it is a category of the programs that are used for fraudulent activities. There are different types of malwares and some of them are enlisted below for the enhancement of your knowledge:
- Viruses: They affect the files in such a way that the initiation of any file triggers the virus file too.
- Worms: The self-replicating malwares having the capacity to bring down the entire systems of an organization.
- Trojans: The programs with legitimate appearances but fictitious and malicious coding that is only executed when required.
- Hybrids: The hybrids are the malwares in a combination. For instance, viruses, worms, and trojans.
- Ransomwares: The ransomwares are used to take control of the computer of the user and demand ransom in return.
- Adware: These are the malicious advertisements that have the capability of redirecting the search engine of the users toward paid promotions or similar web pages.
- Spyware: As the name indicate they are used to spy upon others. They keep a detailed check on the activities of a person on the computer.
How Can We Recognize Different Malwares
Recognizing the malware is like counting the particles of sand on the beach. In other words, it would be a foolish step to go for the recognition of the malware. Because a person can’t do so. A person with only basic knowledge about the malwares can not recognize them. The only detection that he can make is that whether malware is present in his system or not. There is nothing more that you can expect from a general computer user who is unaware of DNS filtering. It requires extremely advanced computing skills to make a proper detection of the malware functioning on a specific system.
What Protective Measures Can Be Applied To Stay Safe From Malwares
Since the malwares can be fatal for the systems so we must apply some protective or precautionary measures. This is the only way to ensure the safety of the system. The precautionary measures that will help you in safeguarding your system are mentioned below:
- There are several anti-virus software’s available in the market that can be used for the safeguarding of the system against malwares.
- Since there are new malwares produced every now and then so a person must always keep the protecting softwares up to date for increased efficiency.
- Use the security software such as Webroot Filtering periodically by running security checks. This will help you in eliminating all the sleeping malwares or the malwares in the incubation period.
- Among all other safety precautions, a computer user must not forget to stay away from fictitious files. These files are the source of most of the security issues. By avoiding them you can avoid several security threats to your system.
The systems are becoming vulnerable to malwares over time because the number of malwares is increasing day by day. So, the computer systems must be kept up to date both in terms of operating systems and the security softwares to ensure complete safety.

Addsion Is a Blogger and an SEO professional. Co-founder of, I have 2 years of experience in SEO & 1 year of Successful blogging @ I have a passion for SEO & Blogging, Affiliate marketer & also interested to invest on profitable stocks.
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