There are many options for software development staff augmentation services out there. However, every growing company knows that not all services are equal. When a company looks to expand their workforce, it can cause many headaches if the process isn’t handled professionally. Let’s take a look at the top five traits which the best services should offer.
1. Avoids HR Involvement
The number one trait which software development staff augmentation allows is the ability to avoid involvement from HR processes. Human Resource departments are an integral part of every successful company due to the need to ensure employees feel respected and appreciated. However, at times a businesses needs access to talent temporarily without permanently increasing their employee base. These situations can be very difficult to handle with the same HR processes that are designed for standard staff. HR hiring processes are often too slow and too detailed when a company is simply looking for a specific skill for a specific project. Likewise, HR procedures can then make separating from the temporary staff a drawn out process once the project is concluded. Nearshore Staff Augmentation Software can avoid these issues by allowing businesses another path towards acquiring the talent they need.
2. Access Global Talent Pool
The second most important trait for software development staff augmentation is how well it manages to access the global talent pool. Nearshore solutions allow businesses to take advantage of the professional talent that is located anywhere in the world. It can often be difficult to find qualified and hardworking employees when a company is hamstrung by only having access to the local talent pool. Some companies would have an inherent advantage if their central offices were located near universities which produced the kind of talent which they required. In past eras, companies would sometimes need to open satellite offices in talent-rich areas simply to discover individuals with the needed skills. In today’s digital world however there is no need to go to those expansive extremes. All of the talent in the world can literally be at a companies fingertips.
3. Pinpoint Talent Level and Skills
One of the next most important traits of software development staff augmentation is the manner in which it can pinpoint the talent level and specific skills which the employer requires. Staff augmentation software can quickly sift thru a vast trove of resumes and find those that are exactly what the employer needs. This avoids a great deal of time which would otherwise be wasted on candidates who are either unqualified or over-qualified. No employer wants to waste time reading thru a resume which sounds great, only to discover that the prospective employee does not have the specific skill needed. Likewise, it could be frustrating to realize that the candidate’s talent level far exceeded the job scope and they would likely require more compensation than the project had budgeted. However, the use of software development staff augmentation avoids these issues and allows employers to find the right person for each job.
4. Cost-Effective
The bottom line is often the most important point, and software development staff augmentation delivers when it comes to the bottom line. Staff augmentation software eliminates many man-hours of work spent simply looking for the right talent. Staff augmentation software also allows a company to use talent in a targeted way, which avoids the problem of retaining an employee with a specific skill which is only needed occasionally. With this software the business can focus on their projects, without redirecting significant resources into talent acquisition. This in turn means that the company can use those resources in other, profit-creating, ways.
5. Pandemic Proof
One of the best points for software development staff augmentation is the ability to be pandemic proof. The global pandemic has disrupted workplaces across the globe. Staff augmentation software allows a company to keep moving forward in several ways, no matter the changing conditions. First, by permitting the company to access talent remotely and as needed, the software assists in filling any temporary gaps in staffing caused by quarantines, shutdowns, or illness. The pandemic can be very frustrating for businesses as they realize that the situation is unpredictable. Companies cannot afford to wait indefinitely on changing regulations and safety measures. Secondly, staff augmentation software allows a business to function more in the digital space and reduce the physical man-hours spent by administrative staff. This in turn means that staff can safely social distance, and avoid working in close proximity as much. These points make staff augmentation software a high priority for businesses moving forward.
Finding all 5 of these traits in one company may be difficult, but growing businesses need every advantage to keep their momentum. Most flourishing companies can directly attribute their success to a few key talent acquisitions. Likewise, companies in decline can often point to their problems as originating from the time when key personnel moved on. Therefore, it is critical that today’s businesses have every tool available to acquire and develop the key talented individuals for their business.
James is a great tech-geek and loves to write about different upcoming tech at TechyZip. From Android to Windows, James loves to share his experienced knowledge about everything here.
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